Manual camera controls
BeastCam provides full control over all of your iPhone's manual camera controls, in case you want to tweak the default settings.
White balance
White balance controls the color and tint in your video. By default, white balance is set to auto and will change based on the lighting where your camera is facing. Tap the white balance icon to open the menu and select one of the options below to change your settings:
Common lighting
BeastCam has several popular lighting environments to choose from.
Lighting | Kelvins | Tint |
Tungsten | 3200K | 0 |
Fluorescent | 4000K | 30 |
Daylight | 5200K | 5 |
Cloudy | 6000K | 4 |
Shade | 7000K | 0 |
When using one of the common lighting or gray card settings (show below), your white balance will be locked and will no longer change based on where your camera is facing.
Gray card
BeastCam's gray card feature allows you to precisely set your white balance by pointing your camera towards a gray object. Underneath the hood, BeastCam uses a custom algorithm to automatically set your white balance to match your gray card to the current lighting in your environment.
Manual settings
You can also manually control the Kelvin and Tint values yourself by tapping the K and TNT buttons, respectively, and increasing/decreasing the values on the slider. Tap the arrows on the slider for more precise adjustments in increments of 100K or 5 TNT.
Bonus: you can store up to three white balance settings in your local presets.
Show screenshot of home screen with open WB menu Show Gif animation for gray card?
Focus is the area of your video that is most clear and sharp. By default, focus is set to auto and will automatically adjust based on the position of the square crosshair.
When you move the crosshair to a new position, BeastCam will automatically adjust the focus to ensure that the object underneath the crosshair is in focus.
Tap the crosshair to lock your focus to its current settings, or tap the focus icon to lock the focus and open the slider to make further adjustments. Tap the arrows on the slider for more precise adjustments in increments of 0.01.
Bonus: you can store up to three focus settings in your local presets.
Show screenshot of home screen with open focus control
On iPhones, zoom is done digitally, by cropping your video to make it appear closer. Tap on the magnifying glass icon and use the slider to control the amount of digital zoom. Tap the arrows for more precise adjustments in increments of 0.1, which is perfect for reducing vignetting with external hardware like the DOF Adapter or lenses.
If you have a dual camera iPhone, you can select the "dual" camera setting to have BeastCam automatically choose between digital zoom or the 56mm telephoto lens for the best results in your lighting environment, just like the native iPhone camera app works.
Bonus: you can store up to three zoom settings in your local presets.
Show screenshot of home screen with open zoom control
Exposure is the amount of light in your video and is controlled by both the ISO and shutter speed. By default, exposure is set to auto and will adjust itself based on the position of the circular crosshair.
When you move this crosshair to a new position, BeastCam will automatically adjust the exposure settings for the best results with the lighting in the area underneath the crosshair.
Tap the crosshair to lock your exposure to its current settings, or tap either the ISO or shutter speed icons individually to lock the exposure and open the slider to change the settings for each value. Tap the arrows on the slider for more precise adjustments in smaller increments.
BeastCam automatically sets the shutter speed options based on the current frame rate (FPS), i.e. a frame rate of 24 FPS will have shutter speed increments of 1/24, 1/48, 1/96, etc. and 60 FPS will have shutter speed increments of 1/60, 1/120, 1/240, etc.
Smart exposure
BeastCam also offers a powerful way to control both your ISO and shutter speed simultaneously using a single slider, similar to the native iPhone camera app. Tap the smart exposure icon and adjust the slider to increase/decrease your exposure levels using this feature.
Underneath the hood, BeastCam uses a complex algorithm to determine the best possible exposure settings for the lighting that you're in to yield the highest image quality and reduce noise.
You can also use BeastCam's Smart Exposure to set your exposure and then fine tune the ISO or shutter speed settings yourself, though this is usually not necessary.
Show screenshot of home screen with locked exposure and values of iso and shutter speed displayed
Show screenshot of home screen with open iso slider and open shutter speed slider. (maybe gif)
Show screenshot of home screen with open smart exposure (maybe gif)