Recording videos

BeastCam makes recording professional-quality videos easy. Here are the basics of how to record your first video.

Auto mode

When you first launch BeastCam, all settings will be on auto with the default presets.

Start/stop recording

To start recording push the record button. You'll see a timer showing the length of the recording and can stop the recording when you're ready by pushing the record button again. Your video will be saved to the internal BeastCam gallery in the "Videos" folder

Show screenshot of home screen with arrows on start/stop button, auto settings on exposure/wb, timer

Lock focus and exposure

If desired, tap the square crosshair to lock your focus and the circular crosshair to lock your exposure. Both crosshairs can be moved independently to automatically optimize the focus or exposure values for a specific point on the screen.

Show screenshot of home screen with arrows on focus and exposure reticles

View recorded videos

Recorded videos are stored in the internal BeastCam gallery in the "Videos" folder. Tap the gallery icon to access your recorded videos for playback and/or export. For more advanced functionality and oraganization with the gallery, view our file managament section.

Show screenshot of home screen with arrow on gallery

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